Friday, January 28, 2011

Some drawings

I hardly ever draw anything besides horses :)

I don't draw very often but when I do it's usually of my horse. I don't know why but whenever I tried to draw my horse, Goya, I didn't like how it came out and it didn't look like him. So I started drawing just other horses...foals :)
These are all almost actual size. I keep them small so maybe someday I can have a scrap book full of them.

This one isn't really an original. I copied the idea from online. There's a bunch of cute, simple drawings that depict deep emotions.

I think these little art segments are really beautiful. It's not as "in your face" as some extravagant painting that tries to get its message across in an obvious way. I like the simplicity.

I don't usuallyy use color. There's a little bit in this but only a little, that's why I like it. Most of anything I draw is in black and white.

You walked in to my life,
But just like that,
You walked back out,
Still you will be a memory,
A memory that I have created in my mind,
Still you will be a memory,
A memory that will always be locked,
Away in my heart and my mind,
I will always have a memory of you in my heart,
And I will always carry that picture of you in my mind,
Still you will be a memory,

Friday, January 21, 2011

Falling in love

It’s something I never imagined experiencing… not like this at least.

Growing up on fairy tales and disney princess stories where happily ever afters happen after meeting that special someone and when feelings of tingly butterflies explode after your stomach flip flops and your mind turns to mush basically manipulated my entire perspective of love.

I thought that after a few flutters of the eyelashes, overcoming a villain, and finally coming to self-realizationisms, love would just appear in front of me, and I’d be happy.

But I realized that it is totally different than that.

It’s a spark that ignites when you realize you two first have that thing you’ve been looking for in everyone else. it’s the brain mush and the heart pounding and the "are you thinking about me? I’m thinking about you" inner turmoil that thrashes your mind for minutes, hours, days, weeks, months. it’s the constant want to feel the warmth of your skin, the heat of your breath, the softness of your lips. it’s the wish to be with you always, and hope you wish the same.

And then, things change.

It’s the mistakes you made and almost losing the person forever. It’s the conflict that appears, the rise of the voice, the narrowing of the eyebrows, the furrowed lips, the tears, the crying, the I’m sorry, the mistakes, the shaking of the head.

The disappointment.

But somehow, despite all of the mishaps, the fights, the arguments, the anger, the frustration, the sadness, the trembles, you’re still thinking of them. You think of the lips, the hands, the fingernails, the hipbones, the ears, the chin, the hair, those eyes… those lovely eyes… and the smile, and you know you still want to be with that. alongside with the laughter, the grins, the hugs, the care, you realize it’s hard to be without.

And after accepting that with good times comes bad, and if after those bad times come terribly, but you still want to stick with them, then suddenly, you know.

definitely, you know.

It’s love.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Despite my flaws and imperfections...

Despite my flaws and imperfections, I love who I am. I wouldn't trade me for anyone in this whole world. That's how much I rock. I love my life. I have been making a conscious effort to start working out again and eating healthier. It's going well. I missed working out. Dancing is the best workout. Holy moly shenanigans, I could never explain how much I love dancing.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Story in the Song

"Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy."
- Ludwig Von Beethoven

I've been exclusively listening to instrumental music lately (well, when it's my own decision to pick music). There's something so fantastically beautiful about music that lacks lyrics.

Especially in a day when many modern songs are filled with lyrics that totally contradict my own lifestyle. I don't party, I don't get drunk, I don't do drugs, I don't sleep around... so that pretty much makes most popular tunes irrelevant to me. Not only are they irrelevant, some of them even disgust me. I know, I know, to each their own... but popular music just isn't for me. It may be catchy, it might be "fun," but it's not what I want to fill my mind with.

Sometimes I feel as though music with lyrics is just a cheaper way of telling a story. The story the artist wishes to convey cannot be expressed by their melodies alone, so they have to add words. To me, music should be able to stand alone. The story should be clear, even without the words. And perhaps, the listener enjoys the presence of the lyrics because they don't have to work to understand the meaning. It is all written out for them.

I find such beauty in instrumental music. Sometimes, I believe, it does much better to weave a story than the lyrics do. Lyrics can be messy and cumbersome. They can actually detract from the meaning of the music.

For example, let's think about love songs. I believe music is one of the greatest ways to express love. After all, love is often indescribable. However, I often find myself distracted by names dropped in lyrics, or the incredible specificness of situations described within the lyrics. When I hear a song about love, I feel like words are not necessary; tell me a story of love, weave it in the melodies and harmonies. That way I can fill in the blanks and think about the love I've experienced.

Lyrics interject someone else's thoughts into your own mind. They tell you what you must believe the song to be, they force the song into a box which you cannot pry open. One of the greatest gifts that music offers us, is the ability to imagine our own story within the notes... sometimes when lyrics are present, that ability is taken from us.

Instrumental music tells a story in crescendos and decrescendos. It conveys emotion through the melodies and harmonies.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Earth Song

Sing, Be, Live, See...

This dark stormy hour,
The wind, it stirs.
The scorched earth
cries out in vain:

O war and power,
You blind and blur.
The torn heart
cries out in pain.

But music and singing
Have been my refuge,
And music and singing
Shall be my light.

A light of song
Shinging strong: Alleluia
Through darkness and pain and strife, I'll
Sing, Be, Live, See...
