Sunday, December 12, 2010

Just wanted to say, I'm sorry

To everyone. For everything. To everyone I've ever hurt in any way, I'm sorry.

I make mistakes and I can't be perfect all the time. I'm not afraid to admit I'm probably naive, and have done stupid things in the past and regretted them. I'm only 18, but I've sure screwed up in my life a lot.

I think part of getting over something and having "closure" is being cleansed. If you don't get it out of your head, it will only hover here for a good long while til it resurfaces and the old sad feelings come back. And I definitelyy don't want that to be happening.

I'm not saying I don't know specific people I should be saying this too when I say "everyone". I actually mean everyone, I could name names but I don't exactly think that's appropriate. They know who they are anyways. This is for ME.

I feel awful, completely horrible, about these things that have happened in my life recently and in the past, and even years and years ago. Thinking back, it's like what was I thinking? It's like the horrible realization when you say/do something then realize what the effects of that action is going to be right after it slips out of you. It really is a terrible feeling.

All I'm reallyyy trying to say here is, I'm sorry. I apologize for everything I've ever done to offend, hurt, or anger anyone. I know what I've done, and I'm not proud of it, for sure. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and change it. But what's done is done, and everything happens for a reason.

At least, that's what I believe. So I'm taking this all as an experience, and I'm not going to stress about it anymore. I've done what I can.

I'm not perfect; no one is. But I'm most certainly not afraid to admit the faults about me and take responsibility for my actions. It's part of growing up, I think. You learn from everything. I definitely learned from this.

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