It's something I think about all the time. Is that why we exist? To love each other? I guess you could say that.
Think about the last great thing that happened to you: It was great because it was great to you, but was part of the reason it was great because you could share it with someone you love? You share feelings with them and they feel happy for you, maybe even just as happy as you are about this news because they're so close to you?
I went through a period in my life where someone I loved always put me down. Called me names like snob. That's still one of my least favorite words. I hated hearing that but I pretended not to care when he called me that. It escalated and it made me feel horrible about myself. I got called a rich snob all the time, stuck-up, rude to everyone, just plain not a nice person. It was terrible. And apparently it was fine to talk to me like that, and I shouldn't have gotten mad about it, and whatnot. But would you let someone talk to you like that? Didn't think so.
At that point whenever something happened, something good for once, I felt like I couldn't share it with the one I loved because I would just be called a snob. It made the whole news become a little less great. I mean, can you really experience greatness alone?
We need lovers to share our life and happiness with. Could we really live without them?
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