You find yourself dating this amazing person. You love them with all your heart and hope to marry them. Now that wonderful perfection lasts for however long until one day, it all starts going downhill. That ride down the hill might last a few months or even a couple of years.
In the end, you and your "soul mate" go separate ways, but continue to be connected through Facebook.
You don't say anything to each other, but every now and then, you look to see what's going on with him or her. Maybe you're not over them and Facebook stalking them. In other cases, you're just curious and hardly ever look.
Now imagine one day, you get a notification or something, that leads you to their site... Hmm, that's weird, why are you automatically on their info page instead of the wall? Why can't you look at their photos?
You look up to the top of the page and it hits you. +1 Add as Friend. What do you mean? We're already... OH.
Aughh. Never happened to me but to my friends. It annoys the crap out of me. I mean, COME ON.
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